UNH Manchester Graduate School

Visit the UNH研究生院-曼彻斯特校园网站 for further information.


2024/2025 Tuition

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $820.00 $26,400.00
Out-of-State Resident $1010.00 $30,300.00

  • 金融,全球商业,增长专业 & 创新,信息系统和商业分析,市场营销,酒店管理.
Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $800.00 $38,400.00
Out-of-State Resident $910.00 $43,680.00

网络安全工程理学硕士要求完成33个学分的项目选项或30个学分的论文选项. 该项目提供兼职和全日制招生. 全日制课程可以在一年半(秋季)完成, spring, (夏季学期)或2年(秋季和春季学期).

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $820.00 $24,600.00 - $27,060.00
Out-of-State Resident $1,010.00 $30,300.00 - $33,330.00
  • Capstone option - 33 credits
  • Thesis option - 30 credits
  • Visit the program webpage for more information

这是一个在线课程,在秋季,春季和夏季的五个8周的电子学期中教授. 学生可以兼职或全日制学习. 在顶点项目选项中,学生完成27个课程学分加上3个项目学分. In the Capstone Thesis option, 学生修27 - 30个课程学分(视论文性质而定)加上6个论文学分.

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $570.00 $17,100.00 - $18,810.00
Out-of-State Resident $640.00 $19,200.00 - $21,120.00

信息技术理学硕士要求完成33个学分. 该项目提供兼职和全日制招生. 全日制课程可以在一年半(秋季)完成, spring, (夏季学期)或2年(秋季和春季学期).

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $820.00 $27,060.00
Out-of-State Resident $1010.00 $33,330.00
  • 33学分-课程最早可于1月完成.5 years; students have up to 3 years to complete their degree
  • Visit the program webpage for more information

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $570.00 $17,100.00 - $18,810.00
Out-of-State Resident $640.00 $19,200.00 - $21,120.00

公共卫生硕士课程要求完成48个学分. 该项目提供兼职和全日制课程,在秋季进行为期8周的五个学期的教学, spring, and summer.

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $800.00 $38,400.00
Out-of-State Resident $880.00 $42,240.00
  • 48 Credits - Program can be completed in two years with a summer registration; students have up to 3 years to complete their degree.
  • Visit the Program webpage for more information

公共卫生研究生证书要求完成12个学分. 该项目提供为期5个8周的兼职课程,直到秋季, spring, and summer.

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $800.00 $9,600.00
Out-of-State Resident $880.00 $10,560.00
  • 12 Credits - Program can be completed in 1 year; students have up to 3 years to complete their degree.
  • Visit the Program webpage for more information

Education Programs

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Per Semester Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $800.00 $7,260.00 $29,040.00
Out-of-State Resident $880.00 $7,985.00 $47,910.00
  • 36 Credits - Program can be completed in 2 years; students have up to 3 years to complete their degree
  • Visit the program webpage for more information

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Per Semester Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $800.00 $7,260.00 $29,040.00
Out-of-State Resident $880.00 $7,985.00 $31,940.00
  • 32 Credits - Program can be completed in 2 years; students have up to 3 years to complete their degree
  • Visit the program webpage for more information

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Per Semester Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $800.00 $7,260.00 $29,040.00
Out-of-State Resident $880.00 $7,985.00 $31,940.00
  • 32 Credits - Program can be completed in 2 years; students have up to 3 years to complete their degree
  • Visit the program webpage for more information

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Per Semester Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $800.00 $7,260.00 $29,040.00
Out-of-State Resident $880.00 $7,985.00 $31,940.00
  • 32 Credits - Program can be completed in 2 years; students have up to 3 years to complete their degree
  • Visit the program webpage for more information

2024/2025 Mandatory Fees

Fee Description Per Semester
UNHM Security fee $47.00
Psychological & Counseling Services (PACS) Fee $52.00

Registration Fee 

Student Activity Fee $50.00
Career & Professional Success $26.00
SHARPP Fee $5.00
Technology Fee (0-4 credits) $29.00
Technology Fee (5-8 credits) $57.00
Technology Fee (9-16 credits) $114.00

About Manchester Mandatory Fees

  • Registration Fee: 每学期将评估一次不可退还的注册费.
  • Technology Fee: 每学期将评估一笔技术费用.
  • Manchester Security Fee: 所有在UNH研究生院曼彻斯特校区注册的学生都要缴纳强制性的安全费用. 这笔费用将每学期评估一次,并将使学生有权获得停车许可证. 曼彻斯特大学的停车卡可以在达勒姆校区的“A”停车场使用.

Other Fees That May Apply

  • 连续注册费- $200: 除非获准休假, 研究生每学期必须保持连续入学,直到通过注册课程学分正式授予学位, research, or continuing enrollment.
  • Health Insurance Fee: 对于所有全日制(每个传统学期9个或更多学分)研究生,UNH有健康保险要求作为入学条件. 学生可以选择通过其他计划提供足够的保险证明来放弃这一要求. 想要放弃该计划的学生需要填写注册/豁免表,并应在上课前完成. 有关UNH学生健康福利计划的信息,请参阅 Health Insurance.
  • Course Fees: 特定课程可能会有额外的课程费用. Visit the course schedule for more information. 


2023/2024 Tuition

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $800.00 $24,000.00 - $26,400.00
Out-of-State Resident $985.00 $29,550.00 - $32,505.00

  • 金融,全球商业,增长专业 & 创新,信息系统和商业分析,市场营销,酒店管理.
Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $800.00 $38,400.00
Out-of-State Resident $910.00 $43,680.00

网络安全工程理学硕士要求完成33个学分的项目选项或30个学分的论文选项. 该项目提供兼职和全日制招生. 全日制课程可以在一年半(秋季)完成, spring, (夏季学期)或2年(秋季和春季学期).

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $800.00 $24,000.00 - $26,400.00
Out-of-State Resident $985.00 $29,550.00 - $32,505.00
  • Capstone option - 33 credits
  • Thesis option - 30 credits
  • Visit the program webpage for more information

这是一个在线课程,在秋季,春季和夏季的五个8周的电子学期中教授. 学生可以兼职或全日制学习. 在顶点项目选项中,学生完成27个课程学分加上3个项目学分. In the Capstone Thesis option, 学生修27 - 30个课程学分(视论文性质而定)加上6个论文学分.

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $570.00 $17,100.00 - $18,810.00
Out-of-State Resident $640.00 $19,200.00 - $21,120.00

信息技术理学硕士要求完成33个学分. 该项目提供兼职和全日制招生. 全日制课程可以在一年半(秋季)完成, spring, (夏季学期)或2年(秋季和春季学期).

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $800.00 $26,400.00
Out-of-State Resident $985.00 $32,505.00
  • 33学分-课程最早可于1月完成.5 years; students have up to 3 years to complete their degree
  • Visit the program webpage for more information

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $570.00 $17,100.00 - $18,810.00
Out-of-State Resident $640.00 $19,200.00 - $21,120.00

公共卫生硕士课程要求完成48个学分. 该项目提供兼职和全日制课程,在秋季进行为期8周的五个学期的教学, spring, and summer.

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $785.00 $37,680.00
Out-of-State Resident $865.00 $41,520.00
  • 48 Credits - Program can be completed in two years with a summer registration; students have up to 3 years to complete their degree.
  • Visit the Program webpage for more information

公共卫生研究生证书要求完成12个学分. 该项目提供为期5个8周的兼职课程,直到秋季, spring, and summer.

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $785.00 $9,420.00
Out-of-State Resident $865.00 $10,380.00
  • 12 Credits - Program can be completed in 1 year; students have up to 3 years to complete their degree.
  • Visit the Program webpage for more information

Education Programs

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Per Semester Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $785.00 $7,085.00 $27,720.00 - $28,340.00
Out-of-State Resident $865.00 $7,795.00 $30,420.00 - $31,180.00
  • 36 Credits - Program can be completed in 2 years; students have up to 3 years to complete their degree
  • Visit the program webpage for more information

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Per Semester Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $785.00 $7,085.00 $25,120.00 - $28,340.00
Out-of-State Resident $865.00 $7,795.00 $27,680.00 - $31,180.00
  • 32 Credits - Program can be completed in 2 years; students have up to 3 years to complete their degree
  • Visit the program webpage for more information

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Per Semester Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $785.00 $7,085.00 $25,120.00 - $28,340.00
Out-of-State Resident $865.00 $7,795.00 $27,680.00 - $31,180.00
  • 32 Credits - Program can be completed in 2 years; students have up to 3 years to complete their degree
  • Visit the program webpage for more information

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Per Semester Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $785.00 $7,085.00 $25,120.00 - $28,340.00
Out-of-State Resident $865.00 $7,795.00 $27,680.00 - $31,180.00
  • 32 Credits - Program can be completed in 2 years; students have up to 3 years to complete their degree
  • Visit the program webpage for more information

2023/2024 Mandatory Fees

Fee Description Per Semester
UNHM security/parking fee $46.00
Psychological & Counseling Services (PACS) Fee $51.00

Registration Fee 

SHARPP Fee $5.00
Technology Fee (1-4 credits) $28.00
Technology Fee (5-8 credits) $55.00
Technology Fee (9-16 credits) $110.00

About Manchester Mandatory Fees

  • Registration Fee: 每学期将评估一次不可退还的注册费.
  • Technology Fee: 每学期将评估一笔技术费用.
  • Manchester Parking/Security Fee: 所有在UNH研究生院曼彻斯特校区注册的学生都要支付强制性的保安/停车费. 这笔费用将每学期评估一次,并将使学生有权获得停车许可证. 曼彻斯特大学的停车卡可以在达勒姆校区的“A”停车场使用.

Other Fees That May Apply

  • 连续注册费- $200: 除非获准休假, 研究生每学期必须保持连续入学,直到通过注册课程学分正式授予学位, research, or continuing enrollment.
  • Health Insurance Fee: 对于所有全日制(每个传统学期9个或更多学分)研究生,UNH有健康保险要求作为入学条件. 学生可以选择通过其他计划提供足够的保险证明来放弃这一要求. 想要放弃该计划的学生需要填写注册/豁免表,并应在上课前完成. 有关UNH学生健康福利计划的信息,请参阅 Health Insurance.
  • Course Fees: 特定课程可能会有额外的课程费用. Visit the course schedule for more information. 


2021/2022 Tuition

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $785.00 $23,550.00 - $25,905.00
Out-of-State Resident $965.00 $28,950.00 - $31,845.00

  • 金融,全球商业,增长专业 & 创新,信息系统和商业分析,市场营销,酒店管理.
Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $800.00 $38,400.00
Out-of-State Resident $910.00 $43,680.00

网络安全工程理学硕士要求完成33个学分的项目选项或30个学分的论文选项. 该项目提供兼职和全日制招生. 全日制课程可以在一年半(秋季)完成, spring, (夏季学期)或2年(秋季和春季学期).

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $785.00 $23,550.00 - $25,905.00
Out-of-State Resident $965.00 $28,950.00 - $31,845.00
  • Capstone option - 33 credits
  • Thesis option - 30 credits
  • Visit the program webpage for more information

这是一个在线课程,在秋季,春季和夏季的五个8周的电子学期中教授. 学生可以兼职或全日制学习. 在顶点项目选项中,学生完成27个课程学分加上3个项目学分. In the Capstone Thesis option, 学生修27 - 30个课程学分(视论文性质而定)加上6个论文学分.

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $560.00 $16,800.00 - $18,480.00
Out-of-State Resident $625.00 $18,750.00 - $20,625.00

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $560.00 $16,800.00 - $18,480.00
Out-of-State Resident $625.00 $18,750.00 - $20,625.00

信息技术理学硕士要求完成33个学分. 该项目提供兼职和全日制招生. 全日制课程可以在一年半(秋季)完成, spring, (夏季学期)或2年(秋季和春季学期).

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $785.00 $25,905.00
Out-of-State Resident $965.00 $28,950.00
  • 33学分-课程最早可于1月完成.5 years; students have up to 3 years to complete their degree
  • Visit the program webpage for more information

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $560.00 $16,800.00 - $18,480.00
Out-of-State Resident $625.00 $18,750.00 - $20,625.00

公共卫生硕士课程要求完成48个学分. 该项目提供兼职和全日制课程,在秋季进行为期8周的五个学期的教学, spring, and summer.

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $785.00 $37,680.00
Out-of-State Resident $865.00 $41,520.00
  • 48 Credits - Program can be completed in two years with a summer registration; students have up to 3 years to complete their degree.
  • Visit the Program webpage for more information

公共卫生研究生证书要求完成12个学分. 该项目提供为期5个8周的兼职课程,直到秋季, spring, and summer.

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $785.00 $9,420.00
Out-of-State Resident $865.00 $10,380.00
  • 12 Credits - Program can be completed in 1 year; students have up to 3 years to complete their degree.
  • Visit the Program webpage for more information

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Per Semester Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $785.00 $7,085.00 $42,510.00
Out-of-State Resident $865.00 $7,795.00 $46,770.00
  • 62 Credits - Program can be completed in 3 years; students have 3 years to complete their degree.
  • Visit the program webpage for more information

Education Programs

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Per Semester Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $785.00 $7,085.00 $27,720.00 - $28,340.00
Out-of-State Resident $865.00 $7,795.00 $30,420.00 - $31,180.00
  • 36 Credits - Program can be completed in 2 years; students have up to 3 years to complete their degree
  • Visit the program webpage for more information

Residency Status Per Credit  Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $650.00 $19,500.00 - $20,800.00
Out-of-State Resident $715.00 $21,450.00 - $22,880.00
  • 30 - 32学分-课程可在1年内完成.5 years; students have up to 3 years to complete their degree
  • Visit the program webpage for more information

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Per Semester Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $785.00 $7,085.00 $25,120.00 - $28,340.00
Out-of-State Resident $865.00 $7,795.00 $27,680.00 - $31,180.00
  • 32 Credits - Program can be completed in 2 years; students have up to 3 years to complete their degree
  • Visit the program webpage for more information

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Per Semester Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $785.00 $7,085.00 $25,120.00 - $28,340.00
Out-of-State Resident $865.00 $7,795.00 $27,680.00 - $31,180.00
  • 32 Credits - Program can be completed in 2 years; students have up to 3 years to complete their degree
  • Visit the program webpage for more information

Residency Status Per Credit Hour Per Semester Estimated Program Tuition
NH Resident $785.00 $7,085.00 $25,120.00 - $28,340.00
Out-of-State Resident $865.00 $7,795.00 $27,680.00 - $31,180.00
  • 32 Credits - Program can be completed in 2 years; students have up to 3 years to complete their degree
  • Visit the program webpage for more information

2022/2023 Mandatory Fees

Fee Description Per Semester
UNHM security/parking fee $45.00
Behavioral Consult Services $50.00
SHARPP Fee $5.00
Registration Fee  $20.00
Technology Fee (0-4 credits) $27.00
Technology Fee (5-8 credits) $53.50
Technology Fee (9-16 credits) $107.00

About Manchester Mandatory Fees

  • Registration Fee: 每学期将评估一次不可退还的注册费.
  • Technology Fee: 每学期将评估一笔技术费用.
  • Manchester Parking/Security Fee: 所有在UNH研究生院曼彻斯特校区注册的学生都要支付强制性的保安/停车费. 这笔费用将每学期评估一次,并将使学生有权获得停车许可证. 曼彻斯特大学的停车卡可以在达勒姆校区的“A”停车场使用.

Other Fees That May Apply

  • 连续注册费- $200: 除非获准休假, 研究生每学期必须保持连续入学,直到通过注册课程学分正式授予学位, research, or continuing enrollment.
  • Health Insurance Fee: 对于所有全日制(每个传统学期9个或更多学分)研究生,UNH有健康保险要求作为入学条件. 学生可以选择通过其他计划提供足够的保险证明来放弃这一要求. 想要放弃该计划的学生需要填写注册/豁免表,并应在上课前完成. 有关UNH学生健康福利计划的信息,请参阅 Health Insurance.
  • Course Fees: 特定课程可能会有额外的课程费用. Visit the course schedule for more information.