
2022 - 23和

The AHD position is a crucial part of our 住宅生活 system, in three of the four large halls Christensen, Williamson, 及上院. The AHDs assist the RHD with RA监督, 为大厅理事会提供建议, 员工培训, conduct, 学生接触, 以及行政责任. 对于那些正在寻找学生事务领域或只是想提高他们的领导技能的学生来说,这是一个很好的机会. Check out the sections below for more information!






  • ahd必须是全职的, matriculated, undergraduate UNH student (taking a minimum of 12 credits every semester).  This information is verified through the Registrar’s office. 

  • AHDs are required to have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. This information is verified through the Registrar's office. 

  • ahd被要求在他们担任该职位之前完成至少两个学期的大学学习(在UNH或其他学院).  This information is verified through the Registrar’s office. 

  • AHDs are required to commit 20 hours per week to the position. This information is verified through them upon employment. 

  • AHD的纪律记录也在申请时通过社区标准办公室进行检查.  Having a prior violation will not necessarily make you ineligible, 但违规行为的性质可能会改变. 

  • Please note, ideally, AHD职位的候选人将在UNH进入大四,并且将在RA职位上完成一到两年的工作, 但我们鼓励任何人申请. 之前的住宿生活经验将在申请过程中考虑.  This position is not available to graduate students. 

  • The ideal AHD candidate will be dedicated to the mission, vision, and values of the 住宅生活 department and have a supportive, open-minded, 对员工和学生发展的监督有热情的看法.  另外, AHD职位要求学生学习新技能并完成许多管理任务,因此组织能力和成长型思维优先考虑.   



责任 (让它成为一个可扩展的部分)

这个职位每周工作20小时, 从8月中旬开始(日期待定),一直到5月结束后几天.


  1. 完成每周20小时的要求.  Prioritize your tasks and balance your time. 
  2. Meet with your supervisor one-on-one each week to discuss any concerns, RA监督, Hall Council, 还有其他问题.
  3. 参加AHD集中培训课程.
  4. Talk with your RHD about what role you wish to take, how you can challenge yourself in your AHD position, and how you can create the type of experience you really want.
  5. 及时完成各项工作任务.  Meet expectations and perform at a high level.
  6. Be available and visible for your RAs and students. 
  7. Remember that academics take first priority.  保持学业上的成功!
  8. Always keep in mind the four educational focus areas (inclusion and equity, 健康和福利, 学术与职业, and involvement and leadership) when working with students and programming.
  9. 保持积极的态度. 
  10. 支持员工.
  11. 必要时保密.
  12. Be honest.  如果你对在你的大厅或部门里所做或所说的事情有问题或担忧, please talk with your supervisor or a central staff person about it! 
  13. Talk with your RHD about what you expect from them as a supervisor.
  14. 玩得开心,保持幽默感!


  1. 监督四名注册会计师的日常工作,以及他们在注册会计师职位上的全面发展. 
  2. Hold staff accountable for behavior and for meeting expectations.  Document situations in which RAs do not meet expectations.
  3. Evaluate RAs both formal and informal throughout the year. 
  4. 安排每两周一次或每周一次(取决于你和你的主管的决定)与RAs会面.
  5. Keep your RHD informed on daily/weekly happenings of your RAs.
  6. 参加你所管理的助理所在楼层的部分社会和教育项目/活动,以观察他们的行动并支持他们的努力.


  1. 协助员工培训.
  2. 在员工会议和员工培训期间帮助促进团队建设和员工充实. 
  3. 每学期几次围绕教育主题领域为员工提供丰富的内容.


  1. Assist RAs in meeting expectations in this area.
  2. Be familiar with students on the floors of the RA’s you supervise, 特别是那些被认定为高风险的人(努力过渡到大学), 室友冲突, 努力学习等.)
  3. Walk the floors of RAs you supervise at least once a week.

Curriculum Programming/Community Development

  1. Assist RAs in meeting expectations in this area.
  2. Assess hall and floor needs with your RA staff.
  3. Oversee/Assist in the planning of weekly socials by your RA staff.
  4. Encourage high-quality passive programming efforts of your RAs (e.g., bulletin boards, getting information for newsletter)
  5. Evaluate programming efforts and initiatives of your RAs.  要求助理对大厅主管设定的编程期望负责. 
  6. Assist in the implementation of hall events.
  7. 参加礼堂的活动.

Hall Council

  1. 每周与大厅理事会官员会面.
  2. 出席所有堂务会议.
  3. Assist with the planning of Hall Council events.  参加所有活动.
  4. 评估会堂理事会的培训需求.  必要时建立培训.
  5. Provide leadership skills for Hall Council.
  6. 监督霍尔委员会的预算.
  7. Encourage and motivate Hall Council to plan at least one event each month.
  8. Be prepared to discuss Hall Council with your RHD during one on ones.
  9. 确保宿舍理事会遵守学校和宿舍生活规定的所有政策和程序.
  10. 监督堂议会官员出席所有与堂议会认可有关的强制性校友会会议.


  1. Assist RAs with confronting situations and documenting incidents.
  2. Confront policy violations you become aware of.
  3. Adjudicate minor conduct situations as assigned by your RHD.
  4. ahd可能需要每周花5个小时进行必要的行为指导.


  1. 协助办理住院医师的入住和退房,以及全年定期的开业和歇业.  Be prepared to arrive early and stay late during breaks.
  2. Assist RA staff with entering all facilities concerns into online systems
  3. 协助RHD维护相关设施的记录,并与HF保持联系&O.
  4. 协助挑选房间.
  5. 协助推广、招募和监督野猫迎宾人员.
  6. Assist with the development of the Newsletter.  每月两次提供资料,特别是会馆理事会的资料.
  7. 安排和更新RA职责.
  8. 参与在线培训
  9. Report all crimes immediately to the police as required by the Clery Act.


  1. Behave in an ethical and professional manner.
  2. 有效回应反馈.
  3. 参加所有AHD培训是强制性的. 
  4. Demonstrate an active commitment to group processing.
  5. Offer meaningful feedback to peers in group settings.
  6. Offer support to team members when appropriate.

平等的机会 (让它成为一个可扩展的部分)

澳门葡京网赌游戏是一所机会均等/机会均等/平权行动的大学. The university seeks excellence through diversity among its administrators, faculty, 教职员及学生. The university prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, 国家的起源, 性取向, 性别认同或表达, disability, 资深地位, 或者婚姻状况. Application by members of all underrepresented groups is encouraged.

残疾学生住宿 (让它成为一个可扩展的部分)

居住生活重视我们多元化社区的每个成员所提供的贡献, 坚定地致力于创造一个环境,使残疾学生能够成为成功的住宿助理, while being able to fully participate in campus life. 住宅生活 is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. 我们可以提供合理的便利,使残疾人士能够履行上述职位的基本职责.  详情请联络住宿生活助理处长Katie Bartholomew (katie.bartholomew@eagle1027.com). Furnished apartment for the contract period





澳门葡京网赌游戏是一所机会均等/机会均等/平权行动的大学. The university seeks excellence through diversity among its administrators, faculty, 教职员及学生. The university prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, 国家的起源, 性取向, 性别认同或表达, disability, 资深地位, 或者婚姻状况. Application by members of all underrepresented groups is encouraged.


居住生活重视我们多元化社区的每个成员所提供的贡献, 坚定地致力于创造一个环境,使残疾学生能够成为成功的住宿助理, while being able to fully participate in campus life. 住宅生活 is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. 我们可以提供合理的便利,使残疾人士能够履行上述职位的基本职责.  详情请联络住宿生活助理处长Katie Bartholomew (katie.bartholomew@eagle1027.com).



  • 第一步:候选人将完成AHD申请,该申请由三个部分组成, 应用程序, 建议, 初次面试.  

  • 截止日期:2022年12月4日晚上11:59. 

  • 只有完成的申请和符合最低资格的申请才会被审查和考虑.  一份完整的申请意味着所有的申请问题都得到了完整的回答, 简历已经提交了.   

  • 截止日期:2022年12月6日晚上11:59. 

  • 考生有责任给他们的推荐人推荐表格的链接,并给他们的推荐人正确的截止日期.   

  • 推荐表格应由房屋房屋署或公寓经理填写.  


  • AHD applicants should reach out to Danielle Miller via email at Danielle.miller@eagle1027.com 将于2022年11月7日至2022年12月6日进行初步面试.   

  • 初次面试约为30分钟,并有额外的提问时间,由遴选小组的一名主任主持. 

  • The interview will focus on the candidate’s interest in the position, the skills they are bringing to both administrative and supervision work, how they anticipate relationships and workload changing, and their experience with leadership and other job competencies. 

  • Step Two: Applications will be reviewed to determine position finalists.  如果考生被选中参加面试,将在12月19日之前收到通知, 2022. 

  • 第三步:入围者将与一名核心成员和几名rhd进行三次面试.  These will take place in person on 2023年1月18日和19日 so candidates will need to potentially come back to campus early.  有关面试结构的更多信息将在第二步发送给候选人.  

  • Step Four: Candidates will be notified about their status in the process.  They will receive a “hired,” “alternate,” or “not hired” decision. 


AHD Selection Timeline for Candidates and Panel 


Application, Recommendation, and Interview Scheduling become available 

TBD 11月 









遴选小组将审核申请, 建议, and interview notes to prep for cut meeting 













  • Furnished apartment for the contract period
  • 食堂开放时的用餐计划
  • 津贴为3,500美元,不包括大学福利,全年支付


Check out the AHD Contract for 2023-24 here: 
