—Sarah Nicholls 和 Anna Scheifele


For the past two decades, the University of New Hampshire’s 调查 期刊是所有学科的本科生研究人员与更广泛的受众分享他们的项目的平台. As one of the longest-running undergraduate research journals in the country, 调查 发表了240多篇文章,主题从莱姆病治疗到音乐与情绪健康之间的关系. 今天, 调查, a publication of the Hamel Center for Undergraduate 研究, has an editorial staff of six, including two professional staff editors 和 four student editors. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of its creation, 这篇文章的合著者——两名学生编辑委员会的成员——去了一趟 调查记忆之路. 

调查 story starts eighteen years before the journal’s conception, when the Undergraduate 研究 Opportunities Program (UROP), now the Hamel Center, was established by founding director Donna Brown. After spending a year getting off the ground, 大学于1987年开始提供学年资助,并设立暑期本科生研究奖学金(冲浪) opportunities two years later. 当时,UROP是国内为数不多的本科研究项目之一.  

“的 response from faculty 和 学生 at the outset was very positive,布朗说。, 她自己的研究经历始于在加州亨廷顿图书馆进行政治哲学研究的博士候选人时期. “From the beginning, 我觉得这个项目的使命应该是在研究过程的每一个环节都具有教育意义. We were not just a funding agency.”  

As UROP grew in size 和 popularity, 在众多校友的慷慨捐赠和大学的长期捐助者的帮助下, 达纳·哈默尔, 学生们开始参加会议,并在期刊上发表论文,与公众分享他们的发现. 然而, both presentations 和 publications could be expensive, limiting the number of 学生 able to participate. 然后布朗有了一个想法:如果uurop专门为UNH的本科生建立自己的研究期刊会怎么样? In the early 2000s, the internet was experiencing a period of exponential growth, 和 an online journal would both reduce costs 和 give researchers greater exposure. 

Enter Jennifer Lee, 调查’s first editor. When she came into this role in 2004, 在布朗邀请她担任杂志编辑之前,她正准备从教学中退休. With plenty of experience throughout her career teaching literature 和 French, 和 as assistant director of the New Hampshire Humanities Council, Lee was more than qualified for the job. During the twelve years spent on the editorial board, she encountered all kinds of challenges, was introduced to fascinating 和 diverse subjects, 和 met many intelligent, interesting 学生 和 faculty.  

李, 她的指导和指导使她能够在自己和学生作家之间创造一个团队合作的环境. 她很容易就找到了一个目标:“以一种有趣而清晰的方式交流一个专门的主题,是实现一个更大目标的手段:向全世界发表他们的作品, to an international, educated general audience.作为导师和合作者,她的多才多艺加强了她与学生的联系,并为她的事业奠定了基础 调查. Lee retrospectively notes that, “Editing 调查 was the perfect job, 和, in addition, I was working with the best of the best. 的y challenged me.” 

反思调查在过去二十年中对联合国大学社区产生的广泛影响, 我们邀请了几位校友作家来讨论他们的研究和出版经历是如何影响他们离开澳门葡京网赌游戏后的生活的. 从第一批由欧洲大学计划资助的学生到现在的大二本科生, their answers are surprising, 感人的, 和, 最重要的是, deeply insightful as to what it means to be a researcher 和 writer.  

Igniting Passion  

When 学生 come to 调查, they seek more than just a publication of their work, 而是一种表达他们对广泛学科研究的热情,并与普通受众分享他们的经验的手段. Dr. 杰西卡·考利(音乐教育' 06)发现了一个终身的激情在写她的文章对传统的爱尔兰音乐 调查. 在完成哈默尔中心国际研究机会项目(IROP) in her junior year of college in Irel和, 后来,她成为了家族中第一个获得博士学位的人,并在爱尔兰进行了同样主题的博士后研究. In 2021, she published her first book, Becoming an Irish Traditional Musician, all stemming from her first foray into research 和 writing through 调查. 她断言,第一次写作过程中的工作水平和细节让她“意识到困难的事情是可能的。.”  

Jaylyn Jewell(护理' 24)赞同这种观点,描述了她的出版经验与 调查 因为它增强了她写作的信心,提高了她处理棘手作业和论文的能力. “调查 教会了我很多澳门葡京网赌游戏出版过程的知识,并给了我进一步研究的工具,她说。. 朱厄尔参加了UNH的硕士速成课程,希望成为一名精神科执业护士, a field that aligns with the research she wrote about in 调查.  

Violet st和s in front of a screen, 与戴着口罩在跑步机上跑步的研究对象交流. Another research assistant is visible in the far background.

Violet Sullivan

As undergraduate research ignites student’s passions, the writing 过程 helps them translate that to readers. John Heavisides(15届物理学)曾是一名作家,后来成为波士顿股票医疗初创公司的医疗工程师, “Having a passion is a wonderful thing, 但是学习如何与人交流这种喜悦会打开你从未知道的大门.他认为,为《澳门葡京网赌游戏》杂志写作帮助他培养了有效的沟通技巧, especially in his field.  

Recent graduate of UNH, Violet Sullivan (Exercise Science ’23), 把她在《澳门葡京网赌游戏》杂志上的发表看作是一个窗口,让其他人看到她在澳门葡京网赌游戏的整个职业生涯中所进行的研究。”调查 这是一个很好的方式来分享你的研究和激情的一个主题广泛访问和简化的方式. I enjoyed putting together my article to explain my research to friends, 家庭, 和 the broader UNH community.法丁·西迪基(Fardeen Siddiqui)也发现,在象牙塔之外传播他的工作是有益的, offering “a chance to share your work with the community.“今天, 苏利文和西迪基都在新英格兰大学和纽约大学攻读研究生学位, respectively— with the goal of becoming physicians.   

Sharpening Communication Skills 

After completing months or years of a grueling project, completing interviews, exploring archives, 测试模型, or examining data, the researchers published in 调查 face one of their biggest hurdles yet: actually writing. 对于许多, writing had no part in their research 过程, so beginning their articles was a large, 和 sometimes frustrating, 改变. “I was not used to the editing 过程,” Lina Faller (Computer Science ‘08) says. “It felt painful at times, but the end result was very much worth it.” 

后一种情绪反映在每个作者身上,因为他们迎接了精心创作的挑战, informative articles 和 gaining skills that would last a lifetime. “向广大读者清晰简洁地写作既非常困难,也非常重要,” says Douglas Holmes (Chemistry ’04). Now an associate professor of mechanical engineering at Boston University, Holmes was one of the first authors ever published in 调查. Twenty years later, 他仍然练习在出版过程中学到的技术写作技巧. 事实上,他的工程研究最近已经发表在同行评议的期刊上,比如 Physical Review Letters

这些期刊,以及其他许多期刊,都是专门针对一个非常小众的领域. 调查, on the other h和, is geared towards a general audience. 这使作者处于一个独特的位置,必须以一种非专家容易理解的方式分解他们复杂的研究主题. Samuel Meehan(《澳门葡京网赌游戏》09届)幽默地回忆起他努力用一种足够简单的方式定义物理学术语“粒子”,以满足他的编辑,但他承认他的努力是值得的. As a science advisor 和 diplomat at the U.S. 每当他被要求澄清一个术语或短语时,他都会回忆起这个时刻.  “Describing technical things in plain language... can break down silos, making science approachable to all, 和 lead to new people-to-people connections.”  


的 author, 迪伦惠勒. Photo by Jeremy Gasowski.

Along with improving their ability to clearly explain their work, 调查 作者们引用了他们在杂志上加强合作技能的经验. “Publishing a commentary or article in the 调查 亚历山德拉·帕帕达基斯(营养学:营养学)指出:“日记是你学习的完美方式。 & EcoGastronomy ’21), 他的研究包括调查和教育其他人了解新罕布什尔州的食物系统. “[You] learn how to... edit 和 revise your work 和 ultimately incorporate feedback from others.” 

即使校友作家在目前的学习或职业生涯中不怎么写作,也能利用他们在大学期间学到的技巧 调查 过程. Software engineer 迪伦惠勒 (Information Technology & Philosophy ’20) spends much of his time at work creating code, 哪一个, “like any written piece, needs to be clear 和 underst和able for other engineers.” Wheeler has first-h和 experience with interpreting others’ code, as the research he wrote about in 调查——一项澳门葡京网赌游戏人工智能可靠性的分析——要求他检查来自开放存取存储库的大量代码. 

Throughout her undergraduate career, Margarethe Hauschildt(17届运动科学)非常熟悉写实验报告和摘要, but when she published her research with 调查, 写她自己的工作和经历让她看到了一个写作和研究的新视角. “I was allowed to have my own voice 和 relive my research 过程,她说。, “哪一个 was unlike anything I had done before.” She went on to earn her doctorate in physical therapy at Columbia University, 并分享了“我能够讨论我的本科研究和未来计划的方式 调查 was an experience I value 和 helped lead me toward the career I have today.”  

Beyond Undergraduate 研究 

Nicholas Mantis (Microbiology ’88), one of the first UROP recipients, 他强调了毕业后有效沟通的重要性:“与同龄人和专业同事交流想法的能力是工作场所最令人垂涎的技能之一。. “的re is no better venue than 调查 to start to hone that skill.”  Following his time at UNH, Mantis pursued a career in microbiology 和 infectious diseases, 并且很高兴能在沃兹沃斯中心传染病部担任首席科学家, New York State Department of 健康.  

史蒂文斯坐在档案室的一张桌子前,面前放着文件,桌上也放着一台笔记本电脑. She is turning 和 smiling at the camera.

Courtney 史蒂文斯

能够以正式的形式交流研究和其他高技术信息, 可理解的态度是一种需求高、供应相对较低的技能, according to Courtney J. 史蒂文斯 (Psychology ’10). 史蒂文斯, 他是达特茅斯大学盖泽尔医学院的精神病学助理教授,也是一名持有执照的临床心理学家,发表了大约40篇学术论文, 她注意到,她经常遇到本科生和研究生,他们几乎没有学术写作的经验. “This is a major area of weakness for many to overcome,她说。, 接下来详细说明在一个人的学术生涯早期培养写作技巧的重要性, “我非常感谢我的本科导师和研究导师,是他们促使我写下了我的研究成果 调查.” 

As exemplified by many alumni authors, the experience of writing for 调查 简历上的亮点是否能帮助研究人员在雇主和研究生院中脱颖而出. Take Corina Danielson (Wildlife 和 Conservation Biology ’19), for example. 当她被聘为美国陆军工程兵团的自然资源专家和公园管理员时, the hiring committee said her article made her one of their top c和idates. As a park ranger, she spends much of her career preparing museum exhibits 和 self-guided tours, 就像她几年前在她的书中所做的那样,要求她为普通观众分解野生动物生物学的主题 调查 article, 哪一个 covered the diets of small mammals. 

Unlike Danielson, 凯特琳·莫诺(10年音乐)并没有停留在她在《澳门葡京网赌游戏》上发表的作品的同一个领域, a study on the correlations between music 和 emotion. 而不是, she currently works as a restorative justice activist with Catholic Mobilizing Network, but her article was still able to open doors in her career. “Going into job applications... my 调查 article [told] a story about not only the work I was capable of undertaking, but also my character,她说。. “写 调查 was my first invitation to... [discuss] not simply the research methods 和 outcomes but... how it impacted me personally.”  


During the past twenty years of publication, 调查 has become a valued resource to many of its authors, 学生, 同时自豪地展示每个研究人员的独特技能和激情. 教师 mentor Paula Mouser sees writing for 调查 “对学生来说,在这个过程中得到指导,并有机会看到他们的作品被印刷出来,这是一次很棒的经历。.” 展望未来, 调查 anticipates a promising future, 因为它将继续为研究人员和作家提供认可和新的机会.   

在为UNH研究界奉献了几十年之后,Brown和Lee都退休了. 调查目前的编辑委员会成员包括高级编辑布里吉德卡罗尔卡塞利尼(园艺' 98), who began working with Lee on the second issue of 调查 in 2006, 和 has worked on every issue since, 和 Editor Valerie Moyer, who in 2023 took up the torch from Erin Trainer, who succeeded Lee. Along with this 改变 in personnel, the journal has also grown quantitatively over its twenty-year tenure, including a recent website redesign. Once a single issue published every spring, 调查 现在包括一个秋季的问题,它的工作人员编辑经营哈默尔中心的本科生研究博客, where student researchers share insight into the research 过程.  

展望未来, 调查 anticipates a promising future, 而核心目标将永远保持不变:让年轻的研究人员在向学科以外的广泛受众交流他们的研究时拥有发言权. Perhaps this is most concisely articulated by Melanie Yelle (Finance ’26), 她现在是本科生,她的研究经验学徒计划获得了哈默尔中心的资助,这激发了她对研究的热情. 她期待着在UNH期间进一步深入研究,并大力倡导该杂志的宗旨和过程, 添加, “调查 allows 学生 from other disciplines, or disciplines similar to your own, to see 和 recognize your hard work.” No matter the discipline, 调查 一本杂志是否欢迎所有渴望更多地了解研究和写作世界的学生.  



Jessica Cawley, Investigating the Ways the Irish 学习 Music (06年春) 

Corina Danielson, What Influences Seed Selection by Small Mammals? (春”19) 

莉娜针板, Thinking Outside the Box: Using Computer Science to Make Sense of the Biology of Life (春”16) & Bioinformatics: Merging Computer Science 和 Genetics (春天' 07) 

Margarethe Hauschildt, Does Foam Rolling Really Work? (春”17) 

John Heavisides, Higher Levels of Confusion: Rocket Sensors in the Northern Lights (春”15) 

Douglas Holmes, Controlling the Morphology of Composite Latex Particles 春天(05) 

Jaylyn杰 开展本科生研究,以尊重接受住院精神卫生保健的性和性别少数群体的声音 (春”22) 

Nicholas Mantis, 进入科学的商业:本科研究如何偏离我的职业规划,并把我放在职业成功的道路上 (12春”)  

塞缪尔·米 Pure Science 和 So Much More: Particle Detector Development in France (春天' 09) 

Caitlin Morneau, 山中的音乐:阿巴拉契亚中部个体的音乐与情感的关系 (春”10) 

Sarah Nicholls,  Using Spatial Transcriptomics to Investigate Gene Expression in Cactus Mice (春”23) 

Alex和ra Papadakis, From Farm to Fork: A Firsth和 Investigation into New Hampshire’s Food System (春”19) 

Fardeen Siddiqui, Exploring the Isolation of a Bacteriophage as an Alternative Treatment to Lyme Disease (秋天的21) 

Courtney 史蒂文斯, 一百年前的身心医学:一种折衷的新英格兰心理治疗方法 (春”10) 

Violet Sullivan, 对低强度血流受限跑步的心肺和代谢反应 (春”23) 

迪伦·惠勒 生活在一个眼见为实的世界:作为虚假信息引擎的人工智能 (春”20) 

梅兰妮Yelle, Analysis of the Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (秋天的23)