Group brings together global scientific community

An image of coordinating authors of the third 世界 Ocean Assessment

联合国大学生命科学与农业学院(COLSA)的一名教员被任命为联合国(UN)工作组成员,该工作组旨在评估包括身体状况在内的健康状况, 生物, and economic conditions – of the world’s oceans.

伊斯顿白, an assistant professor of 生物 sciences, joined more than 50 ocean specialists in Lisbon, 葡萄牙, earlier this year to establish a roadmap for creating the UN’s Third 世界 Ocean Assessment (WOA III)该片将于2025年上映. The WOA III brings together hundreds of scientists, 经理, 来自60多个国家以及各种国际和区域组织的政策制定者和澳门葡京网赌游戏,在三个可持续发展支柱上评估全球海洋状况, 社会与环境.  

"Although we know a lot about what is happening in our oceans, we still lack data and information on important questions. We’re in an exciting time where we can leverage sensors, 卫星和统计数据来了解和更好地管理我们的海洋."


“由于气候变化和其他人为因素,世界海洋正在迅速变化, 例如海洋污染,怀特解释道. “在COVID-19大流行期间, 我们的海洋受到个人防护装备污染的影响, 喜欢面具, as well as changes to global shipping patterns. We also witnessed seafood workers contracting COVID-19 and decreases in the demand for seafood.”

Different from the previous two assessments, WOA III将提供详细信息, 决策者可以用来促进可持续发展的工具和策略, conservation and restoration of our oceans. 此外,最新的评估将纳入“一个健康”模式和 UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

白色, 定量海洋生态学家, 利用统计和数学工具以及实地研究和实验来研究生态系统. His research encompasses work within 生态监测, 可持续海鲜, spatial ecology, extreme weather patterns, and 生态动力学.

白说, “Although we know a lot about what is happening in our oceans, we still lack data and information on important questions. We’re in an exciting time where we can leverage sensors, 卫星和统计数据来了解和更好地管理我们的海洋.”

尽管过去20年来生物学的发展越来越要求研究人员使用先进的定量技能,如数学, 统计与编程, 生物学专业的学生仍然经常在没有这些领域所需训练的情况下进入研究生院.
澳门葡京网赌游戏的一项研究着眼于全球大流行对美国健康的直接和间接影响.S. 通过跟踪病例和疫情,发现海鲜工人感染COVID-19的可能性是其他食品行业工人的两倍.
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