Move-In FAQ

Move-in Weekend FAQ’s


Q:        Which department manages Move-in Weekend?

A:        No single department manages move-in weekend.  周末入住是许多校园部门之间的高度合作倡议.  However, the primary departments are:

UNH Police 停车场封闭和停车场执法、交通管制、行人安全和社区治安.

Parking (Campus Service Office) -在每日迁入行动停止后,执法泊车, parking permit questions, application and issuance.

Student Life and Housing Office Move-in operations from the curb to the room


A:        Over the years, 我们已经制定了行之有效的策略来管理学生及其家庭的经历.  这个过程进行得很好,这要归功于教职员工的出色合作,他们的工作与入住不太直接相关,并适应了每年对耐心和灵活性的要求.  Please consider, with the approval of your supervisor, altering your arrival and departure times, or working virtually from an off-campus location, especially on Friday, August 25th.

Q:        Are campus parking lots open?

A:        Most of the campus parking lots will be “CLOSED” for staging to support student move-in operations.  If you have to commute to campus on any of these days, 请注意可能影响旅行和停车的条件 (如果把车停在被指定为“关闭”的停车场,可能会导致车主承担被拖走的费用。).

Please anticipate, and be prepared for, 最后一分钟的变动和来自联合国警察的额外指示,他们将在入住期间监督停车和交通.  如欲了解更多信息,请发电子邮件或致电副局长Steven Lee: or 603-862-1427.

Q:        Which campus parking lots are closed?


Parking lots that are “CLOSED” midnight – 4:00 pm: A-lot, B-Lot, College Road Visitor Lot, Campus Crossing Visitor Lot, D-lot, F-lot, H-lot, P-lot, Q-lot, U-Lot, Brook Way Lot (all sections), Philbrook Lot, Edgewood Visitor Lot, DeMeritt Circle lots, Congreve Lot, and all spaces along Academic Way. Vehicles parked in these lots “WILL” be towed at the OWNERS expense. 

只有在午夜至下午4点“关闭”的地段才允许居民进入: E-Lot, E1-Lot, E2-Lot, Evergreen lots and Strafford lot.

Saturday “Gables & Woodside Move-in” 8/26/2023

Parking lots that are “CLOSED”, midnight – 4:00 pm: A-Lot, Sage Way Visitor.  All vehicles in closed lots “WILL” be towed at OWNERS expense.

Sunday “Returning Student Move-In” 8/27/2023

午夜至下午4时关闭的停车场: A-lot, B-Lot, Campus Crossings Visitor Lot, D-lot, F-lot, H-lot, P-lot, Q-lot, U-Lot, Brook Way Lot (all sections), Edgewood Visitor Lot, DeMeritt Circle lots, College Road Visitor Lot, Congreve Lot.

All vehicles in closed lots may be towed at the OWNERS expense.

Q:        Which campus parking lots are open?


只有在午夜至下午4点“关闭”的地段才允许居民进入: E-Lot, E1-Lot, E-2 and Evergreen lots

Parking lots “OPEN” for move-in staff: R-lot, G1-Lot, M-Lot, N-Lot, Mast Lot, Mathes Lot, Moiles Lot, Barton/Cole Lot, Field House East & West lot, T-Lot, Sage Way Visitor, Z-lot, Leavitt Lane, Grounds & Events lots, Colovos Road lots, West Edge Lot, 以及铁路轨道以西的其他偏远停车场, not listed above as “closed”, 是否可由持有有效停车许可证的教职员使用.

Gables & 伍德赛德停车场和博尔德球场可供教职员工使用FRIDAY ONLY”.

只准居民使用的地段“开放”予获准居民使用: Resident East, Gables, and Woodside lots.

A:        Saturday, “Gables & Woodside Move-in” 8/26/2023

“开放”的居民停车场只允许: Gables, Woodside, E-Lot, E1-Lot, 及e- 2车位在完成迁入后,可在其指定车位内停车. 没有有效居留许可的车辆将被拖走.

Parking lots that are “OPEN”: 除封闭停车场外,所有校园停车场均为开放停车场.

Sunday, “Returning Student Move-In” 8/27/2023

Parking lots that are “OPEN”: 除封闭停车场外,所有校园停车场均为开放停车场. 我们强烈建议那些有“居民”停车位的人使用 Mast Rd Lot and West Edge Lot through Move-in operations.

Resident parking lots that are “OPEN” to permit only:山墙、伍德赛德、e地段、e1地段、E-2地段及常青地段. 


A:        Yes, go to: or download the UNH Mobile App 地图,公交时刻表和许多其他有用的工具来导航澳门葡京网赌游戏.

Q:        What if I want to help with move-in?

A:        如果你想在入住期间提供帮助,你可以联系Colleen Sullivan ( ) in Residential Life.  她会给你分配一个角色,并提供停车地点的信息.

Q:        What if I have a resident permit?

答:8月25日星期五“关闭”的地段只允许居民使用th midnight-4:00 pm: E-Lot, E1-Lot, E-2-lots.  This closure is for Friday ONLY.  我们需要停车场供一年级学生和他们的家人下车进入宿舍.
居民只允许在8月25日星期五“开放”的地段th – Gables & Woodside lots.

Resident parking lots that are “OPEN” Saturday & Sunday, August 26th and 27th, to permit only: Gables、Woodside、E-Lot、E1-Lot和Evergreen地块均可在其指定的地块内停车. 没有有效居留许可的车辆将被拖走. 请注意:e2地段将于周日关闭,以方便住户入住.


A:        No, however时,警务人员可能会要求你把车辆移开,以免妨碍警务人员迁入


A:        Yes & No.  这取决于该地段或装货码头区域是否关闭以进行搬入作业.  如有任何问题,请致电603-862-1427与副局长史蒂文·李联系.


A:        No. Not unless you have a valid resident parking permit.  没有有效居留许可的车辆将被拖走.


A:        Bus times and routes vary during move-in weekend.  有关最新资讯,请浏览运输服务网页:

Q:        I’m a housekeeper and work overnight.  Where should I park?

A:        UNH警察局将发给管家主管仪表盘许可,管家需要在停车场停车到早上5:30.  白天需要停车的管家应该使用上面常见问题列表中的“OPEN”停车场.

问:我是一名教员,需要在8月25日星期五去我的办公室th.  Where do I park?

A:        Over the years, 我们已经制定了行之有效的策略来管理学生及其家庭的经历.  这个过程进行得很好,这要归功于教职员工的出色合作,他们的工作与入住不太直接相关,并适应了每年对耐心和灵活性的要求.  Please consider, with the approval of your supervisor, altering your arrival and departure times, 或者在校外工作,尤其是在周五, August 25th.  下午3点以后进入校园是搬迁作业的最佳时间.  Alternatively, Alumni Center, and Gables parking lots, 和博尔德球场(视天气而定)可供教职员工使用FRIDAY ONLY”.


A:        您可以使用Wildcat Days链接找到与新学生相关的主要活动的时间表:


A:        你可透过点击浏览有关图书馆及服务的所有资料 here.    

Q:        Which offices are open for the weekend?

A:        您可以在下面找到与学生相关的主要服务的时间表, for the most up to date information, check each department's webpage:

UNH Opening Weekend
August 25-27, 2023
Stow & 去吧(斯托克城,威廉姆森,克里斯滕森,上广场),早点搬进去
Sun, Aug. 20  9am - 12pm
Tue, Aug. 22  9am - 12pm
Move-In Sunday, August 20 Graduate Students 9am-noon
  Friday August 25 1st Year Students  8am-4pm
  Saturday, August 26 Gables/Woodside  9am-4pm
  Sunday, August 27 Upperdivision students  9am-4pm
Police 911 or 603.862.1427
Fire Dept 911 or 603.862.1426
Hours For In-Person Service    
  Fri. Aug. 25 Sat. Aug. 26 Sun. Aug 27
Housing 603.862.2120 8am-5pm at Gables & Woodside 9a-4p 9am-4pm
Health & Wellness 603.862.9355 is 24/7 9am-4:30pm closed closed
Dining Holloway Commons 6:30 am-6:30pm 7:00am - 3pm 8:00am - 9:00pm
  Philbrook 9:00am - 6:30pm 7:00am-2:00pm 8:00am - 9:00pm
  Picnic (Fishbowl)   4:30pm-7pm  
  Dairy Bar 8am-4pm closed closed
  Union Court closed closed closed
  Wildcatessen closed closed 5pm-1am
  Philbrook Café closed closed closed
Facilities 603.862.1437 is 24/7 (for emergency)      
  Control Center 6am-4:30pm 7am-4pm 7am-4pm
IT Help Desk support 603.862.4242 is 24/7      
  Library 7:30am-6pm 10am-6pm 10am-6pm
MUB Building Hours 8am-10pm 10am-11pm 10am-11pm
  Granite Square Station (Mail Room) 9am-4pm 10am-1pm closed
  Games Room 7-10pm closed 6-11pm
  Campus Services-ID, Parking, Dining 8am-7pm 11am-3pm closed
  Bookstore 9am-5pm 10am-6pm 10am-5pm
Campus Recreation Hamel Rec Center 6am-9pm 9am-9pm 9am-9pm
  Outdoor Pool 2pm-7pm 1pm-5pm 1pm-5pm
  Mendums Pond closed closed  closed
  Routes 3,4 reduced 6:30am-7pm no service no service
Transportation Reduced Service Connector 6:40am-5pm no service  
  Move-In Connector 8:30 am – 4:30 pm no service 9:30 am – 4:00 pm
  Weekend Connector no service no service 12n - midnight
PACS 603.862.2090 is 24/7 closed closed closed
SHARPP 603.862.7233 is 24/7 9am-4pm -Drop in Hours closed closed
Library Dimond 7:30am-6pm 10am-6pm 10am-8pm 
  Kingbury 8am-4:30pm closed closed
Registrar   8am-noon & 1pm-4:30pm closed closed
Student Financial Services Stoke Hall  8am-4:30pm closed closed