
A person with a moon icon, swimming icon, and carrot icon over the top

身体健康 is knowing your body and giving it what it needs for health, healing, and energy.


  • Do you eat foods that you enjoy, stay hydrated through the day, and listen to your hunger ques?
  • Are you able to keep a consistent sleep schedule and get 7 hours of sleep/night?
  • 你每天都运动吗?
  • 你是否使用避孕套和避孕措施进行安全性行为?
  • Are you making alcohol, nicotine, other drugs choices that align with your 值?
  • Do you have a habit of regularly washing your hands to prevent colds and flu?





  • 并不是所有UNH的人都在喝酒. 
  • 大多数学生选择喝酒, drink in low-risk ways (drink in a way that minimizes negative consequences).
  • 选择不喝酒总是一个低风险的选择. Even if you choose to drink one day, you can choose not to drink the next. 
  • 说“不”是可以的.”
  • 喝酒前和喝酒时要吃东西. 食物会减缓Alcohol的吸收.
  • 永远要知道你喝的是什么. Never leave your drink unattended; make or get your own drink(s).
  • 了解标准饮品是什么. 一般来说,一杯标准的饮料是12盎司. 啤酒,5盎司. 酒还是酒?.5盎司. 80度的酒.
  • If you are tired, sick or 情感ly upset, alcohol can affect you more than usual.
  • 多喝几杯,让你的身体有机会跟上. 人体每小时可以代谢大约一杯饮料.
  • Don’t mix alcohol with, non-prescription medications, prescriptions, or illicit drugs.
  • 遵守学校、地方和州的规定和法律.
  • 了解自己的极限,并坚持下去!



  • Avoid close contact as much as possible, avoid close contact with people who are sick. 
  • When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too.
  • 生病时呆在家里. You should not go to classes, work or participate in social activities. Not going to public places will help prevent others from catching your illness.
  • Cover your mouth and 鼻子 with a tissue when coughing or sneezing or cough into your elbow or shoulder. 别忘了妥善处理纸巾!
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water to protect you against germs/viruses. You can pick up them up through shaking hands, touching doorknobs, phones, computers, etc. 
  • 不要共用毛巾, 餐具, 牙刷, 饮用杯子或其他可能传播细菌的物品. 即使有人在分享的时候没有生病, he or she may still be contagious for flu or cold that can develop into symptoms the next day.
  • Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated and then touches his/her eyes, 鼻子, 或口.
  • Take care of yourself by trying to eat healthy meals and get enough sleep.



  • 去做推荐的检查(身体、眼睛和牙齿).
  • Be a partner in your health with your health care provider - share information on symptoms and health, 问问题, 确保你理解了, 并参与医疗建议的决策.
  • 每月做乳房和/或睾丸检查吗.
  • Listen to your body and respond appropriately and learn to recognize early signs of illness.
  • Stop your use of tobacco products and protect yourself against second-hand smoke.
  • Use any prescription or non-prescription medications only as recommended and don’t share with others.
  • 注意你暴露在阳光下的时间. 涂防晒霜. 避免晒黑间.
  • 使用安全带和头盔,并鼓励其他人这样做.
  • Keep informed about health issues and how to prevent illness and injury.



  • 每餐或零食都要吃五颜六色的水果和蔬菜
  • 以由谷物组成的Nutrition早餐开始新的一天, 蛋白质, 钙, 水果和蔬菜.
  • 放松,享受你的饭菜. 给自己一点时间来享受吃东西的乐趣.
  • 慢慢地,用心地吃. 注意食物的味道、质地、味道和外观.
  • 接受并爱你的身体以及它为你所做的一切. 只允许对自己的身体有积极的想法和评论.
  • 在你的背包和宿舍里放一些健康的零食:酸奶, 水果, 能量棒, 干果, 或奶酪.
  • 保持水分会让你感觉良好,表现良好.
  • Eat 3 meals and between meal snacks to keep yourself energized and to avoid extremes of hunger.
  • 对饥饿和饱腹的信号做出反应. 它们是你的分量控制指南.
  • Eat an array of foods from various sources to ensure a balanced intake of nutrients.
  • 每天至少吃三种富含钙的食物:乳制品, 坚果, 绿叶蔬菜, 豆腐, 豆子。, 强化谷物. And don't forget to focus on fiber: 水果s, vegetables, whole grains, 豆子。, 坚果 and 种子.
  • 大学生经常摄入橙子中含有的维生素A和C, 红色和黄色的水果和蔬菜.
  • 鱼, 核桃, 大豆制品, and fortified foods such as cereal and eggs contain essential fatty acids for heart, 大脑和免疫健康.
  • In New Hampshire, Vitamin D is made in skin only from April to October. 很少有食物含有维生素D:强化牛奶, 人造黄油, 黄油, 奶酪, 汁, 早餐麦片. 鱼类天然含有维生素D(鲑鱼、金枪鱼).
  • The most absorbable sources of iron come from animal sources: meat, fish, and poultry. 
  • 素食者可以从坚果中摄取铁, 种子, 豆子。, Nutrition丰富的面包和谷物制品, 绿色, 葡萄干, 日期, 和糖蜜.




  • 积极运动有助于保持骨骼、肌肉和关节的健康.
  • Physical activity decreases the risk of some health problems such as heart disease, 中风, 糖尿病, 还有高血压. 
  • 锻炼有助于减少焦虑和抑郁的感觉, 帮助预防和管理Stress, 促进心理健康.
  • 成年人应该至少锻炼2个小时.每周5小时(约30分钟,每周5天),适度锻炼.
  • Participate in activities that strengthen muscles and bones at least 3 days/week.
  • Be sure to include stretching/flexibility activities to keep muscles and joints healthy and decrease risk of injury.
  • 摇一摇! Vary your activities to decrease boredom and to keep your body guessing.
  • 没有付出就没有收获是一个神话! 做你喜欢的活动/运动(跳舞), 打保龄球, 篮球, 瑜伽, 权重, 走, 骑自行车, 等). 关键是要养成健康的生活方式活动和习惯.



  • 是澳门葡京网赌游戏身体,思想和精神的表达吗
  • Means that we see our sexuality as a healthy and natural aspect of who we are
  • 是我们如何表达自己和对他人的感受
  • 包括我们的想法, 值, and beliefs about sexual pleasure and how we express that with ourselves and others
  • 意味着尊重你的性, 情感, 以及对他人的性吸引, 无论是同性吸引还是异性吸引
  • Is celebrating your own body, mind, and spirit through self-pleasure (masturbation)
  • 意味着尊重你自己的个人和性 boundaries (not being sexual with someone just because they asked you to have sex with them) as well as the personal and sexual boundaries of others (respecting someone’s decision not to be sexual with you)
  • 是澳门葡京网赌游戏使用保护措施(避孕套)吗, 牙科大坝, contraception) against Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and pregnancy
  • Means understanding your own erotic and sexual desires (what you want from sex) and communicating those desires with your partner(s)
  • Is about understanding yourself as a gendered individual – what makes you tick as a fe男性, 男性, 或者变性人
  • 要知道,决定不做爱是可以的.



  • 大学生每晚需要8-10个小时的Sleep. 
  • Getting consistent and adequate sleep helps your body and mind rest and repair. 
  • 保护你远离疾病,帮助调节体重.
  • 让你更有效率,更有创造力.
  • Maintains mental health and increases your ability to retain and process information and solve problems.
  • 对“通宵”说“不”.” Sleeping before a test or project will be of greater help then staying up all night cramming. 
  • Sleep帮助你记住你学过的东西.
  • Alcohol和咖啡因, 包括能量饮料, 会干扰你的Sleep周期吗, 所以要避免/限制摄入.
  • 创造一个诱人的、宁静的、黑暗的、安静的Sleep空间.
  • 睡觉前不要锻炼、工作或学习. 花点时间放松.
  • Limit the activities you do in bed so your body recognizes it as a place to rest and relax.
  • 除非医生开了处方,否则不要服用安眠药.
  • 如果小睡不是你的主要Sleep方式,那也没关系. Limit the length so they don’t interfere with your ability to sleep at night.



  • Stress是对变化的生理、情感和心理反应. 
  • 当Stress成为积极的动力时,它可能是有益的, 比如在写论文或做运动的时候.
  • Excessive negative stress may be a key element in half of all illnesses. 
  • Your stress level affects your immune and nervous systems, heart, metabolism and hormones.
  • Stress随时都可能出现, but the college years bring many new and challenging stressors including: academics, 室友, 钱, 社会生活, 亲密关系.
  • Stress的常见迹象包括:饮食问题, Sleep问题, 决策问题, 拖延症, 愤怒, 经常哭, 频繁的疾病, 药物滥用.
  • Quick stress reducers: exercise, spending time with friends, a good yell/cry.
  • 给自己留点时间. 把自我照顾放在首位. 每天找时间放松一下,哪怕只有一两分钟.
  • Stress是生活中正常的一部分. 学习如何管理Stress意味着知道是什么让你感到Stress, 表达你的感受, 照顾好你的身体, 不要害怕寻求帮助.
  • 条理性有助于减轻Stress. 列出待办事项清单,并将任务按优先顺序排列. 一次只处理一件事.
  • 学会说“不”是减压的一个重要部分. 了解并接受你的极限.
  • 实践自爱. 自尊是Stress管理的关键. 和积极的人在一起,增强自己的积极性.